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the game of go
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The complete works of Hashimoto are one less book, and there are three books such as the official book copy, Xuanxuanqijing, Qijing Zhongmiao, etc., and I did not expect to win the bid. The quality of several books is good, Hashimoto These books have replaced my set of slightly lower quality ones. Although one is missing, the price should be said to be not expensive. If the missing one can be found in the future, it will be perfect! Do the math, the price is appropriate The packaging is very solid and arrives in good condition Home by sea, good service, safe and reliable The website is occasionally slow and the pictures cannot be opened. Hope to improve search efficiency Recently, a batch of chess pots have been delivered. Two pairs have cracked. I think it is probably caused by the dry air in the northern autumn. Once cracked, the value of the items will be lost. How much is the loss of the two pairs? Although this kind of cracking is an unexpected problem, it can be avoided by waxing the jar or even applying some moisturizing oil. So I communicated with the customer service and was very polite and refused directly. I hope that the website will add a name to each customer service. I really don’t want to deal with some customer service a second time! Of course, the vast majority of customer service is first-class service! Just like my evaluation of customer service

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