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Goods: Service: Packaging: System: Recommend:
the game of go
Overseas purchasing

The original price of a complete set of Eiio Sakata is very expensive. There are shipping cartons, the cartons show signs of aging,

But the bookcases and books inside are almost brand new. Very good goods! The packaging is very solid,

The item arrived in good condition! Another batch of goods arrived by sea, and I feel that the speed is actually pretty good.

There has been no problem with the accuracy of the service. The website has occasionally stuck recently, and I hope to keep the website system smooth.

Improve the efficiency of website search. Recently, a batch of chess pots have arrived one after another, and two pairs have been cracked.

I estimate that the high probability is caused by the dry air in the northern autumn. Once it cracks, the item will be worthless.

How big is the loss of the two pairs? Although this kind of cracking is an unexpected problem,

But it can be avoided by waxing the jar or even applying moisturizing oil. At

Of course, the vast majority of customer service is first-rate! Just like my evaluation of customer service every time

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The good thing is to share!
New people's registration, ditch delivery~

I'll share

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